Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I have started a blog that I would like to post in just to kind of keep a record of my days. I know that's what a blog is, but I'm not gonna get all in depth and stuff like that. I'm just gonna post daily goings on and whatnot. Like today for example, Morgan was acting like a stink at preschool, running all over and not staying with me so when we got into the car I was getting onto him and he goes on and on about how sorry he is and how he will never do it again and he is so sorry and he just loves me so much. He cracks me up! I think he has a touch of Catholic in him because the other day on the way to Mom and Dad's he sat in the car and apologized for everything he had done that day. I guess he was confessing and hoping for absolution (isn't that the word for it?)
Austin has been a little fussy today, I think he's teething and Matthew is wanting something right now but I don't know what! Let me go and try to figure it out!

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