Monday, April 17, 2006

Buying a house is a level of Hell.

I could not in a million years have imagined that when we started this whole house buying process that I would be where I am right now. Which is at my parent's house where we have been since Wednesday night (it is now Monday). We were told Tuesday that yes, get that UHaul because we will close on Wednesday. Then we were told that yes it was definitely going to happen on Thursday and then it was definitely going to happen on Friday. Are you starting to see a pattern here? We found out Friday night that the company we had gotten the loan from had shut down and that they were trying to process all of the loans they had taken on. Our's was definitely going to be honored but until then we were gonna have to wait. UHaul called Saturday morning and they were all bitchy because we were supposed to return their truck Thursday but we of course hadn't, so I got to let them know what was going on too. I feel right now that we are never going to actually live in this house but I'm sure at some point this will all be a distant memory. I'm just sad that we are gonna have to give UHaul our first born child for payment. :P

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