Friday, June 30, 2006

I'm in a pissy mood!

There are so many things lately that are just totally annoying me. On the SAHP board, there was a post about a five month being left in a van all day and she of course died. The mom "forgot". It's just another example that no one is responsible for anything anymore. Someone said it was a mistake. Forgetting your lunch is a mistake, not leaving your five month old in the car for ten hours in the middle of summer.

Another thing that is really starting to get on my nerves. I bet you didn't know I had four boys did you? I swear! The neighbor boy has been at our house all day long every day this week. Hello??? I have three children, do his parents ever once think, "Gee, she might be getting a little tired of having to watch my child?" I'm thisclose to going and charging them for childcare! He just came in and scared me...oh, he is such a good kid, why do I want to murder him?!?!

What else is irritating me? Money, I need another kid and bad! I've had one inquiry and nothing back. Okay, I'm off of here, I need to go make some coffee or something!

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