Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How is it?

That mothers forget so much about newborns? Even if they've had three or more they totally forget certain things until someone says something that their newborn does and you go, "wait, that sounds familiar!"

I read a blog about a new mother and the things she's worrying about are all things that I remember worrying about with my first. With my second and third, I don't think I worried at all and I KNOW they are better off for it!!

New motherhood is such a crazy, surreal time isn't it? I mean, you don't know anything, you are focused 1000% on this new little person, you are sleep deprived (probably for the first time in your life) and you still have your whole "regular" life to live...being a spouse, eating, bathing! My sister is going to be staying with us after she has her little one and while I'm so excited to be around a newborn again, that smell!, that lamb's cry, I'm thanking the Good Lord and all his angels that I don't ever have to go through that again!!!

1 comment:

Jess Connell said...

Amazing, isn't it?

Just the other day, I was thinking back to my own new-mommy days with a groan. I remember LITERALLY freaking out because a 3-year-old little boy stuck a chocolate-chip-cookie in my 5 month old's mouth. I remember being totally rigid about which vegetables and fruits to introduce, in which order. I remember religiously boiling the pacifier.

Now, with my third, she crawls around on the floor eating whatever she finds (truly, it's between her and the Lord, cause I never know half the time), eating whatever foods we have at the table, and I boiled her pacifiers exactly one time: when I opened the packages up.

Funny what a few years experience will do for a mommy.