Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday ramblings...

Well, I've been out of work for all of two days and I'm already feeling that desperate need to get a job! I went down yesterday and applied at a temp agency. I'm really struggling on whether or not to apply at daycares. I've watched kids for the last 10+ years and while I think I'm done, when that's the only experience you have and you need a job, it's kinda pointless to try for a career change. So...I may give it a week and then put some applications in next week.

The boys, Mom and I are going to go up and spend the weekend with Bri. We are going to leave Thursday and return on Saturday so we can spend Sunday with Chad. I'm excited to see her house and I'm hoping we can get into Savannah and drive by Lady and Sons and just look at the line of people waiting to get in! I haven't been to Savannah since I was in high school so it will be fun to go and explore for the day. Plus anytime you can get away from your daily life, it's a nice little break!

Well, I guess I'm done rambling. Matthew is waiting very patiently to play on NickJr.com so I will let him!

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